Responsible wood and pulp sourcing

Wood and the pulp derived from it are the most important source materials for our cellulose fiber production. Following our commitment to environmental protection and resource preservation, we procure wood and pulp only from certified or controlled sustainable sources.

In its Wood and Pulp Policy, Lenzing is committed to procuring wood and pulp exclusively from non-controversial sources.

Wood pulp from certified or controlled sources

Our fibers are made of wood pulp. Wood pulp is produced in our own plants, located in Lenzing (Austria), Paskov (Czech Republic) and Indianópolis (Brazil). In addition, Lenzing procures dissolving wood pulp on the global market, mostly within the framework of long-term supply contracts. In total Lenzing uses wood pulp for its commercial fiber production from the following pulp sources:

  • AustroCel Hallein GmbH (Austria)
  • Georgia-Pacific LLC (USA)
  • International Paper (USA)
  • LD Celulose (Brazil)
  • Lenzing Biocel Paskov a.s. (Czech Republic)
  • Lenzing AG (Austria)
  • Rayonier A.M. Canada G.P. (Canada)
  • Sappi Ltd. (USA & South Africa)
  • Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening (Sweden)

Wood from certified or controlled sustainable forestry

For its pulp production in Lenzing (Austria) and Paskov (Czech Republic), Lenzing sources wood from sustainably managed forests. The majority of the wood is sourced from the region or surrounding neighboring European countries. Lenzing has been a reliable and stable partner for European forestry for decades.

For pulp production in Indianópolis (Brazil), we use wood from our own sustainably managed plantations of our joint venture LD Celulose.

We almost exclusively purchase wood certified or controlled according to recognized sustainability criteria, such as FSC® and PEFC. All wood suppliers (more than 600) in all procurement countries are regularly evaluated. A rating system is used that follows the criteria of FSC® Controlled Wood.

We also use a large amount of wood which is harvested during forest thinning in line with the principle of sustainability. We ensure that our wood sources are as close as possible to our pulp mills and that wood is transported in an environmentally friendly manner.

Be it wood sourcing for our own pulp plants or pulp procurement from partners: In both cases we apply the same strict criteria regarding sustainable forestry. More than 99 percent of the wood used at our own sites and at our partners’ pulp plants is certified or controlled. Our suppliers also comply to the high level of social responsibility and human rights standards we at Lenzing are committed to.

Lenzing supports the preservation of ancient and endangered forests. Therefore, we do not procure wood or pulp derived from primeval forests in Canada or Russia, from the Amazon region or from the endangered rainforests in Indonesia or West Africa. Pulp purchased by Lenzing mostly comes from wood grown in the semi-natural forests of Scandinavia, the Baltic States, South Africa, and the USA. Eucalyptus is the predominant type of wood used by our partners, but beech wood, spruce, birch wood and pinewood from certified or controlled sustainable forest operations are also processed.

Canopy – in a dialog with partners

One of our dialog partners is Canopy, the Canadian forest conservation organization. Canopy works with the forest industry’s biggest customers and their suppliers to develop business solutions that protect ancient and endangered forests. Canopy is supported by about 550 leading global brands and retailers in the textile industry (CanopyStyle Initiative).

As one of the leading global producers of regenerated cellulosic fibers, Lenzing fully supports Canopy’s roadmap by constantly improving its sustainable sourcing practices. In Canopy’s latest Hot Button Report, Lenzing achieved the “Dark Green” shirt ranking, proving that there is a very low risk of sourcing wood from ancient and endangered forests when using Lenzing fibers. One of the bases for this assessment is a regular audit as part of the CanopyStyle initiative. 

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