Lenzing raising the bar

Within the context of our strategic principles, Lenzing's "Naturally Positive" sustainability strategy defines seven core challenges in which the Lenzing Group makes significant contributions. Lenzing sets ambitious targets in these areas to further strengthen its path to a sustainable future. These focus areas directly contribute to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Sustainable innovations

  • “Air emission” target: To improve the Lenzing Group’s specific sulfur emissions by 50 percent by 2023 (baseline 2014)
  • ”Textile recycling” target: To offer viscose, modal and lyocell staple fibers with up to 50 percent post-consumer recycled content on a commercial scale by 2025
  • ”Circular business model” target: To innovate a new circular business model by closing the loops for post-consumer materials and partner with 25 key supply chain companies by 2025
  • ”ZDHC viscose” target: To achieve “aspirational” MMCF level for ZDHC wastewater and air emission guidelines at Lenzing viscose facilities by 2024
  • ”ZDHC lyocell” target: To achieve “aspirational” MMCF level for ZDHC wastewater and responsible production guidelines at Lenzing lyocell facilities by 2028

Water stewardship

  • ”Waste water” target: To improve the Lenzing Group’s specific wastewater emissions (chemical oxygen demand (COD)) by 20 percent by 2024 (baseline 2014)

Raw material security

  • ”Conservation project Albania” target: To implement a conservation solution of 20 ha in Albania in combination with a social impact project by 2024
  • ”Conservation area Brazil” target: To implement conservation solutions on 15,000 ha at the new pulp mill in Indianópolis (Brazil) by 2030
  • ”Conservation projects” target: To engage in further conservation, biodiversity protection and restoration activities in regions where forests are at risk or should be improved by 2025

Partnering for systemic change

  • “Supplier engagement” target: To engage suppliers, covering more than 80 percent of spend, to improve sustainability performance
  • “FEM“ target: To implement and annually update Facility Environmental Module (FEM) in all pulp and fiber production facilities and share verified modules with customers from 2024


  • Near-term science-based target“: To reduce Scope 1 and 2 absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 42 percent and Scope 3 absolute GHG emissions by 25 percent until 2030 (baseline 2021)
  • Long-term science-based net-zero target”: To achieve at least a 90 percent reduction in absolute GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) (baseline 2021)

Empowering people

  • “Social standard” target: To have a continuously valid third-party audited accredited social certificate for every Lenzing Group production (fiber or dissolving wood pulp) site by 2024
  • “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion” target: To create an empowering work environment by respecting human rights, employee wellbeing and diversity
  • “Community engagement”: To continuously support the development of local communities near Lenzing production sites and support social welfare programs to 2025 and beyond

UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations defined a set of 17 global objectives called the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs). These SDGs imply a universal relevance: They urge each individual, each governing body and business organization, as well as civil society, to contribute to the accomplishment of these goals. 

Lenzing’s sustainability strategy defines various fields of action for our commitment and contribution to the UN SDGs:

  • No poverty

    An example of Lenzing’s contribution to SDG 1 is the social impact project in Albania in cooperation with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). This project aims to support the development of certain rural areas based on the sustainable use of natural resources, and to open up alternative sources of income for the communities involved.

  • Good health and well-being

    Lenzing makes an internal health care system available to its employees at all production sites. This is designed to complement the local health systems. Together with regional medical partners, we also offer a diagnosis and therapy service tailored to the local needs and the size of the production sites.

  • Gender Eqaulity

    Lenzing has a dedicated sustainability team whose tasks include promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion within and outside of Lenzing. Various measures are being taken, such as diversity staff trainings and the introduction of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). Additionally, there are separate sustainability goals aimed at “Empowering People”.


  • Clean water and sanitation

    Wherever Lenzing can make an impact, attempts are made to contribute to the sustainable use of water. We have defined the goal of reducing our specific wastewater emissions by 20 percent (starting point: 2014). Investments are being made in infrastructure improvement measures in the field of wastewater treatment as a means of achieving this target.

  • Affordable and clean energy

    The improvement of energy efficiency, the use of energy conversion technologies for heat and electricity, renewable fuels, the changeover from coal to natural gas and its biorefinery concept enables Lenzing to contribute to SDG 7.

  • Decent work and economic growth

    The Lenzing Group is making an important contribution towards strengthening the economy in the regions in which it operates. Our business activities have measurable socioeconomic effects. Every job in the Lenzing Group creates more than two additional jobs in other sectors of the economy. On balance, the Lenzing Group creates more than 25,000 jobs around the world.

  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure

    Innovation and sustainability are fundamental values of the Lenzing Group. From the very beginning, every innovation is assessed with respect to sustainability. Our innovations include numerous ongoing improvements in existing technologies and processes as well as the promotion of systematic change with the help of future-oriented solutions and business models.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    In the Policy on Human Rights and Labor Standards, Lenzing commits to upholding and supporting fundamental labor principles, including protection against discrimination, harassment and inhumane treatment. Lenzing continuously challenges its own practises as well as those of its value chain partners.


  • Sustainablie Cities and Communities

    Lenzing has been operating on the Indonesian island of Java for more than three decades via its subsidiary PT. South Pacific Viscose in Purwakarta. In all these years, Lenzing has not only established itself as an important employer,but has also gained societal acceptance by supporting a wide range of local social activities. For more information please see the “Community engagement“ focus paper.


  • Responsible consumption and production

    We ensure sustainable production thanks to responsible procurement and the efficient use of the raw material wood e.g. based on the implementation of the biorefinery concepts in Lenzing,  Paskov and Indianópolis. Moreover, recycling technologies are integrated into the production process. Thinking in terms of life cycles and partnerships contributes to more sustainable consumption patterns.

  • Climate action

    In line with the Paris Agreement (1.5°C target), the Lenzing Group set ambitious science-based targets (SBTs) for reducing absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in scope 1 and 2 by 42 percent and in scope 3 by 25 percent until 2030 (baseline 2021) and aims to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. Based on technical feasibility, Lenzing deploys different levers to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions.

  • Life below water

    Microplastics comprise an environmental burden on inland waters and oceans. Thanks to its fibers produced from wood along with a sustainable production process, Lenzing ensures that its fibers are compostable and biodegradable and thus do not aggravate the problem of plastic pollution.

  • Life on land

    The company contributes to SDG 15 thanks to its longstanding practice of sustainable procurement, especially with respect to the main raw material wood. Lenzing strictly adheres to its Wood & Pulp Policy and only procures wood from sustainably managed forests and plantations. Furthermore, Lenzing initiated a reforestation and forest preservation project in Albania.

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions

    Lenzing is committed to ethical business practices, community engagement and human rights advocacy. Compliance at Lenzing not only stands for compliance with legal regulations and regulatory standards. An online-based whistleblower system is designed to empower not only our employees but also customers, suppliers, and other third parties around the world to voice their concerns. This platform allows individuals to report issues such as corruption, bribery, conflicts of interests, antitrust violations, and breaches of capital market law.


  • Partnerships for the goals

    We are convinced that complex global challenges require a cooperation approach. For this reason, the Lenzing Group regularly exchanges views with a large number of stakeholders and business partners along the value chain, in order to further raise standards with respect to sustainability in the textile and nonwovens industry.

Science based targets

The Science Based Targets initiative, the most widely recognized organization in the field of climate-relevant objectives, has scientifically verified the climate targets of the Lenzing Group. Accordingly, Lenzing was the first cellulosic fiber producer to set science-based targets aiming for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

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